How to write direct messages that get a response

With examples you can use

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Hey there, it’s Harris!

Welcome to the Revenue Generator where I share 1 tactic each week that you can implement to help you generate more revenue.

Most of the messages that we all receive on LinkedIn are terrible.

They are AI-generated, they are sent to thousands of people, and they make it seem like the seller hasn’t done any research.

So today, I want to share 7 examples that you can use to actually book meetings with your prospects.

Today’s Topic - Direct Messages You Should Send On LinkedIn

I often hear from Sales Professionals and Executives,

"I don't know what type of direct messages to send on Linkedin."

Here's my answer:

1. "I'm going to be in your city on X date and would love to meet for coffee to share [insert something you know they'd find valuable that isn't you selling them]."

2. "I'm putting together a free dinner for [insert their title] and would love to have you join."

3. "I'm putting together a white paper on [insert something they are an expert on] and would love to get your thoughts. I'll make sure to quote you and share it when it's done.

4. "Thanks for stopping by my profile, let me know if I can do anything to be helpful for you."

5. "I loved your content on [insert something they recently shared]. Here's a podcast I love about the same topic and go to minute 32 to find where they talk about X."

6. "I was just talking to X person who seems to be an ideal target for your company, would it be helpful if I introduced you to them?"

7. "Thanks so much for engaging with my content, it was great to see your name pop up on my feed. Let me know if I can ever do anything to be helpful for you."

NONE of these are, "Are you struggling to get leads... I have the perfect system to get you 30+ leads per day."

Be a human being and good things will happen from being active on LinkedIn.

How we can work together:

  1. LinkedIn Partnership for Executives - We are currently oversubscribed for our LinkedIn Agency services, but as we continue to scale our team, we are opening a wait list with the expectation of bringing on additional clients starting in July. Apply here to put your name at the top of the list!

  2. LinkedIn Workshops for Sales Teams - I have been doing in-person and virtual workshops for sales teams to help them understand how they can best use LinkedIn to generate new business opportunities.

  3. Get Started with LinkedIn - Join 514+ individuals who have purchased this playbook to create content that sells on LinkedIn. This is the system I’ve used to help Executives generate over $2M from LinkedIn.

    Book time to discuss any of these here

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