A quick LinkedIn story you can replicate

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Welcome to The Revenue Generator

Hey there, it’s Harris!

Welcome to the Revenue Generator where I share 1 tactic each week that you can implement to help you generate more revenue.

This week will be a quick story that showcases the power of LinkedIn.

Today’s Topic - A Quick LinkedIn Story

I have a pretty awesome LinkedIn story from last week.

One of my VC partners sent me a message saying "You're connected to X person and one of our portfolio companies is really trying to talk with her, do you actually know her?"

I didn't know her but I did remember that she connected with me after seeing a recent post I shared on the importance of being consistent on LinkedIn.

I sent her a message saying "Hey XXX, saw your name pop up on my LinkedIn the other day and would be happy to talk with you about being consistent on LinkedIn, let me know if you're interested in finding time to connect."

Within 30 minutes she sent a message saying "I'm really trying to be more active on LinkedIn, would love to connect."

And so we set up a time this week to talk live.

I told the VC partner and now I'm going to see if there's a way I can make the introduction for them.

There is a 0% chance this person would've replied to a cold email from me.

It's pretty amazing the impact that LinkedIn can have in expanding your business relationships.

How we can work together:

  1. LinkedIn Partnership for Executives - We are currently oversubscribed for our LinkedIn Agency services, but as we continue to scale our team, we are opening a wait list with the expectation of bringing on additional clients starting in October. Apply here https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScAHqdtwzCi-JIpcPkAEssdzV0C_l4k_eNKfFvV8edCLekxOg/viewform to put your name at the top of the list!

  2. LinkedIn Workshops for Sales Teams - I have been doing in-person and virtual workshops for sales teams to help them understand how they can best use LinkedIn to generate new business opportunities.

  3. Get Started with LinkedIn - Join 538+ individuals who have purchased this playbook to create content that sells on LinkedIn. This is the system I’ve used to help Executives generate over $2M from LinkedIn. https://hfanaroff19.gumroad.com/l/linkedinplaybook

    Book time to discuss any of these here https://calendly.com/harris-activate/linked-revenue-conversation.

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