Get a FREE 30-60-90 Day Customized Onboarding Plan

For the first 20 people to fill this out

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Hey there it's Harris!

If you’re interested in receiving a FREE 30-60-90 day customized onboarding plan for an upcoming new hire, take 10 seconds to put in your email and the job description here!

Within 48 hours, our team will put one together for you.

This is only for the first 20 people to fill this out.

Now, let’s dive into how Managers can become Employee Retention Engines.

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Read time: 2 minutes and 47 seconds


How Your Managers can Become Retention Engines

57% of employees quit because of their manager.

But to be fair, a lot of managers don't get the training that they need.

Teach your managers these tactics and you'll keep your talent:

  1. Send a message when they accept

    This is so often a missed opportunity.

    The new hire has so much excitement about this new role and then they go 2+ weeks without hearing from anyone.

    Take the time to say congrats, share a couple articles, and be available for questions.

  2. Figure out what motivates their employees

    Everyone is motivated by different things.

    Some people are money motivated, some are title motivated, and some are motivated by making a difference.

    Make sure you tailor your incentives to what people want.

  3. Be vulnerable

    It helps to show you're human.

    Be honest about some of the areas you're struggling with.

    The more you can become comfortable being vulnerable, the better that connection will be.

  4. Create 30-60-90 day goals for your new hires

    We help you do this at scale.

    And are offering it currently for free for an upcoming new hire

    Take 10 seconds to fill this out and we’ll do it for you.

  5. Provide an early win

    Things are really hard in the beginning.

    It's the manager's job to provide an early win for the new hire.

    In your prep for getting them started, create a plan to easily build momentum for them.

  6. Ask questions > Provide answers

    You're going to want to tell this person everything, but it's important to hold back.

    They are bringing a really important new perspective to the organization.

    Ask questions, figure out what they're thinking, and let them "fail."

  1. "Randomly" reach out

    If you manage a lot of people, you have to be intentional about this.

    Put time on your calendar to "check in with John about the deal he's working on" or "check in with Susan about the project she's working on."

    "Random" connection can be so meaningful.

  2. Create career maps

    Your employees will stay at your organization if they have a roadmap to their next opportunity.

    It blows me away the lack of organizations that do this.

    People will get bored and leave.

    Show them how they can get to the next level.

Get a Customized 30-60-90-Day Onboarding Plan for FREE in 10 Seconds

Do you have a new hire starting soon?

Use this link and put in your company name, the new hire’s name (optional), and the job description.

Within 48 hours, we will send you a customized 30-60-90 day onboarding plan based on our experience of onboarding over 3,000+ people

No cost for your first one.

Limited to the first 20 people.

What I'm Reading:

A very helpful resource for understanding how you can grow your audience.

How we can work together:

  1. Sales Coaching for Your Reps - Help your sales reps:

    1. Identify creative new ways to engage prospects

    2. Use Emotional Intelligence to build better relationships

    3. Close more deals

      We provide 1 on 1 coaching for each individual when they need it most. Our process gives each sales rep 1 hour of coaching per month on their specific focus area.

  2. 6-Week New Hire Onboarding Course - Let us do the work that you know you need to do to get your new hire up and running but don’t have time to do with your full-time responsibilities. This 6-week program (offered both live and on-demand) speeds up the time it takes your new sales hire to become productive.

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