The most common questions I receive about LinkedIn

And my answer for each

Welcome to The Revenue Generator

Hey there, it’s Harris!

Welcome to the Revenue Generator where I share 1 tactic each week that you can implement to help you generate more revenue.

A big part of our business and one that is growing pretty significantly is providing LinkedIn training for sales teams.

We go in and we do a ~1-2 hour virtual or in-person workshop and then follow that up with implementation strategies and execution.

After the workshop, we meet monthly to hold people accountable to consistently sharing thought leadership on the platform to generate new opportunities.

We also share best practices around what is working for commenting and messaging.

I had a workshop this past week and wanted to share the most common questions I received and my answer for each.

Today’s Topic - The 5 Most Common Questions I Receive About LinkedIn

Last week, I joined a Consulting Company to do a workshop on “How to use LinkedIn to create your personal brand and generate new business opportunities"

They asked some pretty good questions and I wanted to share my answers more broadly.

Here are the top 5:

  1. When should I post and how often?

All of these are person specific but I have guidelines.

If you’re never posting, commit to once a month.

If you’re posting once a month, do every other week.

Try to make a slight increase to what you’re doing.

Unless you’re posting 3x a week already, and at that point, just commit to doing it for 12+ months.

Most people try for 7 days a week for 3 months and burn out really quickly.

  1. What type of content should I post?

My response to this is a question.

What does your ideal customer profile care about?

What are they asking you in conversations you are having and what do they find interesting when you share?

Content is all around all of us, we just have to build the muscle to be aware of it.

  1. How should I go about creating content?

Fancy notion documents don’t work for me.

What works for me is the notes app on my phone where I document interesting things for me.

I build up a pretty big bank just by being cognizant of what is going on around me that I find interesting.

  1. How do I move somebody from the comments to a conversation?

Make it about them.

What do they care about?

Why should they take 30 minutes out of their day to talk with you?

It’s your job to provide value for them.

Most people try to immediately pitch them on their product/service and THIS DOES NOT WORK.

Provide so much value for that person that they ask what you do.

That’s the secret.

  1. What should I be doing daily on LinkedIn?

Another very dependent question but I have guidelines.

Try to spend 15-30 minutes per day, 5 days per week.

If you can consistently do this, I guarantee that good things will happen.

My biggest recommendations for LinkedIn “selling” are always these 3 things:

  1. Be a human

  2. Focus on them

  3. Don’t sell in the first outreach

If you can do these 3 things, you’ll separate from 98% of the people out there.

How we can work together:

  1. LinkedIn Partnership for Executives - We are currently oversubscribed for our LinkedIn Agency services, but as we continue to scale our team, we are opening a wait list with the expectation of bringing on additional clients starting in September. Apply here to put your name at the top of the list!

  2. LinkedIn Workshops for Sales Teams - I have been doing in-person and virtual workshops for sales teams to help them understand how they can best use LinkedIn to generate new business opportunities.

  3. Get Started with LinkedIn - Join 528+ individuals who have purchased this playbook to create content that sells on LinkedIn. This is the system I’ve used to help Executives generate over $2M from LinkedIn.

    Book time to discuss any of these here

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