Why you Should Build a LinkedIn Presence

How it can help you


Welcome to The Revenue Generator

Hey there, it’s Harris!

Welcome to the Revenue Generator where we share 1 tactic each week that you can implement to help you generate more revenue.

Today, we’ll be diving into the power of LinkedIn and why building a brand on LinkedIn can help you.

Today’s Topic - Building a LinkedIn Presence

For the past ~2 years I have been posting consistently on LinkedIn.

In the beginning, it was 2-3 times a week and now it’s 5 times a week.

It felt uncomfortable in the beginning putting myself out there, but the rewards have been amazing.

It has brought me new clients, introduced me to people I never would’ve gotten to meet, and helped me find new partnership opportunities.

I’ve also helped friends find jobs that otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to do.

It’s overwhelming to figure out where to start so I wanted to share 4 aspects that can help you:

1. Know your target audience inside out and craft your content as if you're speaking directly to one person.

2. Create high-quality and actionable content that will attract inbound leads to your profile.

3. Develop an offer that addresses a very big pain point faced by your prospects.

4. Engage actively with your connections and convert potential leads by initiating direct messages.

If you do those 4 things and are consistent for at least 3 months, I’m confident that good things will happen.

I know because I’ve experienced it, but I know it’s hard.

If you want support with this, send me a message at [email protected] and I’m happy to see how I can help!

Your LinkedIn Agency

Don’t have the time to create content and engage with potential clients but know you should?

Want immediate notifications when your clients move to another organization?

Check out https://linked-revenue.com/ where we handle all of this for you.

The benefits include:

  1. Generating new business opportunities

  2. Finding new partnerships

  3. Identifying new talent for your organization

What I'm Reading:

I’m super interested in how AI can help you grow your business.

This is one of my favorite newsletters to stay up to date on the ever-changing world of AI.

How we can work together:

  1. LinkedIn Agency for Executives - If you are an Executive or work with an Executive that you think could benefit from posting more on LinkedIn, I’d be happy to talk.

    I’ve spent 2+ years understanding how the algorithm works and how you can generate more business opportunities and find new talent by being active and creating content.

  2. AI & Sales - We help you understand how you and your team can utilize AI to become more effective. If you’re a sales leader looking to better understand AI, send me a note!

  3. Fractional Head of Growth - I bring a decade's worth of experience growing businesses to help you generate more revenue. I work with organizations that don’t have a VP of Sales role yet but still want to get the most out of their sales reps.

Reply back with what you'd like to learn more about!

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