10 lessons about business (and life)

Getting personal today

Welcome to The Revenue Generator

Hey there, it’s Harris!

Welcome to the Revenue Generator where I share 1 tactic each week that you can implement to help you generate more revenue.

This week will be a bit different.

Every so often I get personal with my newsletter and that’s what I’m going to do today.

Last week I celebrated my 32nd birthday and I wanted to use my birthday as a time to reflect on some of the things I’ve learned.

Keep reading if you want to hear more!

Today’s Topic - 10 Things I’ve Learned About Business (And Life) Through 32 Years

These might be corny but I always enjoy reading them so here I go.

32 is too many things so I’m going to share 10.

10 things I’ve learned about business (and life) on my 32nd birthday:

1. Nothing matters more than your relationship with your spouse. I'm lucky every day that I get to hang out and do life with my best friend.

2. Being a parent is really hard. And it's also the most amazing thing in the world. Every cliche about being a parent is wildly accurate.

3. The most successful business people I know are INCREDIBLE relationship builders/networkers. This is the one constant of all my clients.

4. You won't have success as an entrepreneur until you've failed a couple of items. I had 4 "failures" before this successful business.

5. Everybody is going through something. Even in situations where something might seem perfect on the outside, there's something going on below the surface.

6. Proximity plays a huge role in who you interact with on a consistent basis. It sucks but it's hard to keep in touch with good friends that you don't live close to.

7. Having grandparents that want to hang out with your kids makes things so much easier. We are so incredibly lucky to have 2 sets of grandparents where this is the case

8. Doing things that others won't is a competitive advantage in business and in life. Things like providing value to them before you ever pitch your services, constantly sharing thought leadership, and being a connector will always separate you.

9. Sales is so much easier when you meet someone in person and get into a texting relationship. It also rarely (if ever) happens the first time you meet them. You have to be willing to play the long game

10. We often (myself included) don't do enough really nice things at random times for the people we care about. Whenever I get my wife a random gift, or send a client/prospect something I know they would love, it makes me happy. I let life get in the way and don't do enough of these.

I have a lot to be grateful for as I enter my 33rd year of life.

Grateful for my health, my wife, my son, our pup, my family, my friends and to LinkedIn for creating a platform that has helped me achieve my goal of becoming an Entrepreneur.

How we can work together:

  1. LinkedIn Agency for Executives - We are currently oversubscribed for our LinkedIn Agency services but as we continue to scale our team, we are opening a wait list with the expectation of bringing on additional clients starting in May. Apply here https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScAHqdtwzCi-JIpcPkAEssdzV0C_l4k_eNKfFvV8edCLekxOg/viewform to put your name at the top of the list!

  2. LinkedIn Workshops for Sales Teams - I have been doing in-person and virtual workshops for sales teams to help them understand how they can best use LinkedIn to generate new business opportunities.

  3. Get Started with LinkedIn - Join 495+ individuals who have purchased this playbook to create content that sells on LinkedIn. This is the system I’ve used to help Executives generate over $2M from LinkedIn. https://hfanaroff19.gumroad.com/l/linkedinplaybook

    Book time to discuss any of these here https://calendly.com/harris-activate/linked-revenue-conversation.

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